Friday, May 18, 2012


I remember when I was preparing to speak out about the abuse I suffered as a child, I was very afraid. I was worried about what my family’s reaction was going to be. How was I going to approach any subject related to my abuse? I did not know what to expect but I understood human nature and sometimes it can be very cruel. Of course when I did come out with my story, I felt resistance from many different sources.
My family for the most part was supportive even though I did face a little resistance. I had people tell me that I should not be talking about such a topic especially being a young woman because now I would appear tainted. I thought to myself, “I have been tainted since I was 6 so what would be the difference now?” I had someone tell me, “Now no man is going to marry you because of your past”. Put it this way, I have been told so many hurtful things in my life and I had to pray hard for God to heal my heart and allow me not to hold grudges against some of those people. They knew no better.
As I was going through my spiritual and emotional awakening, I discovered Joshua in the Bible. Joshua was taking over from were Moses had left off. His mission was to take the children of Israel across the Red Sea. In Joshua chapter 1 verse 6, God reminds Joshua to “Be strong and courageous”. Three times He reminds him to be strong and courageous. God knew the task at hand was not going to be an easy one for Joshua.
God needed him to remain strong for the people. As a leader, when you waver, the people who have been entrusted to you to lead will also waver. Joshua had such confidence in God that the people saw it in him and responded to him by saying “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go”.
For me, getting ready to tell my story was so nerve racking, I almost chickened out. I thought about what people were going to say. What would those that knew me think of me now? So many thoughts ruled my being but it was all rooted in fear. I believe fear is man’s biggest enemy!! As I prayed and searched God’s word for answers, I came across Joshua. His story was the answer to my prayers and every time I faced discouragement, I remembered God’s word; “BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS”. Also, I had people in my corner that encouraged me without skipping a beat and together they renewed my strength. I kept on with my story and have not allowed the negative motivators to stop me.
When you are discouraged, think of Joshua’s story and surround yourself with positive motivators and you will accomplish anything that you set your mind to do by God’s own grace.
Until next time peace, love


  1. Just what I needed. I must be strong and very courageous. Bless you Proverbs 31 woman for you are always a blessing.



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