Monday, June 13, 2011

Is the pain enough?!!

My cousin told me a story about a dog that was sitting on a nail and was wailing, people gathered around the dog wondering why this dog was just sitting there hurting. Everyone could see that the dog needed to just GET UP! Instead of sitting on the nail and crying; then someone said well the dog is not hurting enough when the dog gets tired of the pain he will get up from the nail and move on.
That story resonated with me so much that I had to evaluate myself to realize that I was surrounded by negativity even though I was tired of hurting and feeling pain. The pain was not great enough for me to stand up from it and begin my healing process and move on with my life.

Many times we go through a revolving door of abuse, negativity and drama all the while complaining about how bad we want to leave the bad situations in our lives. We surround ourselves with people that want to help us but we never fully leave the bad alone. We will never get away from the bad until we have had enough. Many times we wonder why people stay in bad situation. My answer is when they have had enough they will get up and move on!

Peace world and more grease to your elbows!

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