Life is like a Roller coaster!! Come with me as I share with you my journey of Joy, Pain and Life Lessons learned along the way!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
I decided to wait!
Loneliness and the need for companionship sometimes can lead us to get into and or maintain relationships that are not good for us. The idea of having someone next to us sometimes leads us to compromise and settle for companionship that neither elevate nor strengthen our lives. I found a spoken word piece that sums up everything I have gone through when it comes to companionship and what God wants for me. This poem helps me deal with the fact that I do not have to settle for anything less than what I deserve. This past week was an emotional tough week but through prayers, family and this poem I gained a new insight and focus on what I want in a companion. I gained strength to continue with my purpose while I wait for the right companionship in my life!
So this week I will just let this poem bless you as it has help me. Be Bless and stay strong. Remember that the lord will bless those who diligently seek him!
I hope this poem blesses you has it has blessed me!! pass it on!!
Peace world and more grease to your elbows.
"I will wait for you" by Official P4CM Poet JANETTE...IKZ
Monday, June 20, 2011
What I didn’t know?
Abuse in any form is an abomination! The deeper question that I have been asking myself is why do we not speak up? What is created inside us that renders us incapable of speaking up? Why do some people speak up and other suffer in silence?
Let me speak for myself, when I first experienced sexual abuse I did not know what was going on. I was 6 for crying out loud! I felt dirty and ashamed. I was never taught that I should tell someone if my body is touched in any way that makes me feel uncomfortable. In an irony twist as a counselor I educated families the importance of being aware of who is around your kids and taught youth as young as 5 years old what to do if someone tries to touch your body. I wondered what would have happened to me if I was taught this exercise. Honestly, I did not know what happened to me was dead wrong until I came to America. I just lived with it like was just part of my life.
Child abuse here in America was all over the news and teachers and parents alike had a dialogue about abuse. Even though it still happens but the awareness is far greater in the states than in Nigeria.
It is very important to create an open dialogue with the kids around you so that they will know that their body is a temple and should not be violate in any way. These lessons are the beginning of building self worth in our kids. If you are not open to talk to your kids about abuse when will you be open to discuss these things? Let us not wait until it is too late then start playing the blame game.
If you so happen to find yourself in a situation that abuse has occurred take whatever steps are necessary to rebuild your child even though the damage will be done but try and salvage the situation. Never sweep abuse under the rug!! If your child comes to you and says that he or she was touched do whatever you have to help that child work through it!!!
Peace world and more grease to your elbows.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Is the pain enough?!!
My cousin told me a story about a dog that was sitting on a nail and was wailing, people gathered around the dog wondering why this dog was just sitting there hurting. Everyone could see that the dog needed to just GET UP! Instead of sitting on the nail and crying; then someone said well the dog is not hurting enough when the dog gets tired of the pain he will get up from the nail and move on.
That story resonated with me so much that I had to evaluate myself to realize that I was surrounded by negativity even though I was tired of hurting and feeling pain. The pain was not great enough for me to stand up from it and begin my healing process and move on with my life.
Many times we go through a revolving door of abuse, negativity and drama all the while complaining about how bad we want to leave the bad situations in our lives. We surround ourselves with people that want to help us but we never fully leave the bad alone. We will never get away from the bad until we have had enough. Many times we wonder why people stay in bad situation. My answer is when they have had enough they will get up and move on!
Peace world and more grease to your elbows!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Who is a dream killer?
A dream killer is someone that does not believe in your dreams. A dream killer is someone that always criticizes your thoughts, dreams, and does not support you unconditionally. Some dream killer are easy to spot but you have to be in tuned with who you are and have a clear vision of where you are going to be able to spot them. Dream killers are like snakes in the grass if you are not careful you might step on them and be poisoned by their deadly venom. I have had several dream killers in the past, I say in the past, because I no longer subscribe to the dream killers channel. I eradicate them with the quickness of a gun slinger like those slingers in the old western movies.
Dream killers manifest in so many forms. Some dream killers are very open with their approach. I was told by someone that I was never going to amount to anything and I almost secretly believed it. Dreams killers can also manifest in relationships, have you ever being so excited about an idea and you told your partner about it only to have them say something like, “ are you sure you want to do that?” or how are you going to pull that off?, without even hearing you out all the way. These types of dream killers create doubt in your head before you can even develop your dreams.
I know that everyone will not support me or help me develop my dreams. My visions and dreams are mine only. God gave them to me, and it manifested in my dreams and visions so therefore I own them. You can come along with me on this journey only if you are not a dream killer. Let me make my mistakes, just be there to support me, and offer constructive criticism when necessary. Let us eradicate dream killers from our lives. Cut the tall grass so you can easily spot the dream killers. Surround yourself with dream catcher and dream nurturers.
Peace world and more grease to your elbows!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Finally letting go!!!
I have had enough!!!I am letting go of all my baggage. I am tired of carrying this load of my past. I will no longer let my past weigh me down. I am releasing all the pain, all the hurt, all the negativity, all the sorrows, any and everything that does not uplift my soul, into the sea of forgetfulness never to be seen or heard from again. I take responsibility for everything I have done consciously and unconsciously. I will no longer accept anything less than what I deserve. My heart has no room for negativity. I will no longer lower my standards to feel accepted. I am no longer afraid of being alone. I have to accept who God made me to be, and walk into my calling with my head held high. I will wait on the lord for he will renew my strength. I AM STRONGER AS LONG AS I HAVE GOD BY MY SIDE!!
Peace world and more grease to your elbows!!
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