Friday, January 7, 2011

Little about me!

I guess I can start by giving a brief history of who I am! Everything else about me you will learn has time goes on. I started this blog as a way I want to communicate my opinion on various subject matters, share my experiences whether good or bad and through my life experiences I can help others. I believe in speaking my peace, I do not like to sugar coat anything (I speak with love). I count it a blessing that I was raised in a family there was no sugar coating. If there was something that I needed to hear it was told to me direct and blunt but with lots of love because my family wants the best for me.(thanks Cuz!)lol OK so back to telling you about myself. I believe I was called to help people, to motivate and inspire anyone that my path crossed. My dream career would be to have an international organization set up to help children and young adult across the globe. As a child, I always felt the pain of other children. I remember watching those infomercials about hungry kids in Ukraine and other countries would cry to my mother that I wanted to go and help those children.I thank God that my mother never discouraged me instead she encouraged me to contiune to have an open heart that God will answer my prayers!! even though she still wants me to be a doctor somebody!!lol I do not know how I am going to do it but I felt like it has to be done. so I will continue to place myself on the right path and I will reach my destiny by the grace of God. I remember telling my mother when I was about 11 that I wanted to be like mother Theresa who is still my hero someone I strive to be like one day. She was selfless and dedicated her life to helping others. Growing up in Nigeria I did not know that kids around the world suffered that much. I did not understand what it meant to be an orphan, not having 3 square meals or a bed to sleep in. only when I came to America and watching TV that I was expose to pain and suffering of children. It still breaks my heart to this day when I think about how children around the world are suffering. I have not found the path to my destiny yet but I am still on this journey and I will surely be there one day.

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