Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am getting off this ride!!!

Two weeks ago I started my “Dance Myself to a Better Body” I have to say that everything was going well until I became sick for a whole week!! Not only was I physically sick but my emotions were going through turmoil! The last time I was that sick was when I had malaria I had just came back from Nigeria after my grandfather’s burial! RIP. Ironically I think I drop some inches due to the fact that I was unable to eat much. I am feeling much better now so I will resume my challenge. I think am going to get bored with it soon but I will try and hang in there as long as I can. I am already thinking of what my next challenge will be….. Maybe I will find a tennis partner that would be fun. I can feel spring in the air!!

This past two weeks has been a really rough emotional roller coaster for me. I cried a lot and it was not PMS. I feel spent emotionally and I have come to the point where I can no longer put my feeling and emotions out for people to trample on it. I place too much value in the friendships I have and I try to take people at face value. Sometimes I make the mistake of thinking that others invest in me emotionally as I invest my emotions in them. It only leaves me empty when my feelings and emotions are disregarded.  I have come to terms with the fact that relationships cannot be EQUAL one party will always have more invested then the other person. Be it financially, emotionally and even physically. I might not do things exactly the way that others in my circle would like me to do but at least I know that they can accept me for who I am. Do not try and negate my feelings and dictate for me how I should feel and respond to situations. The test of friendship is to understand the true characteristics of your friends and accept them for who they are!!

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